Saturday, August 8, 2009

Second Post-Baby Weigh-in

Ye gads. I knew going into this that babies eat up your day. What they didn't tell me is that they eat up two or three days at a time! Though I'm posting this on Tuesday, I've back dated it to when the actual weigh-in was.

Speaking of which...

I'm down 0.2 lbs. That's about the same amount as Teeny spits up. I kid, I kid. She isn't a spitter-upper. She just projectile pees. But that's another story.

It was nice to see some familiar faces at the meeting. Fewer than I thought there'd be, but then again it has been a year since last I went. One of the gals I'm familiar with made goal and she looks fabulous. We also discussed ideas to jazz up protein (chicken, beef, etc.) to avoid getting in a food rut. I came away with some good tips and will hopefully have more to share later when I try them.

Lastly, I'm thinking of splitting these weigh-ins from the first go round. This time feels different because I already made the grade. I'm simply getting back to where I was. Two separate journeys you know? But whether or not I split them depends on my time. Or lack thereof.

*glances at Teeny Trim*

Ah, the joys of motherhood :)


Lisa said...


split them or don't..whatever works for you and teeny!


Erin (moviemuse) said...

I just wanted to leave you a comment to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog, and how inspiring you are to me. Over the last few days, I have literally read each and every single post. Something about your "voice" and your writing style really spoke to me. In fact, I felt like you were speaking directly *to* me. You are about my age, you are about my height, and even though I know that I have about twice as much weight to lose as you did (something in the 140-150 pound range), I know it can be done. You did it, I can to. Best of luck with your little one! (BTW, pregnancy brain doesn't ever really go away completely, it just morphs into mommy brain; ask me how I know.) And thank you so very much for sharing your journey. I hope to begin a similar journey myself, and rather soon, and I can only hope to be as successful as you. In the end, I hope to quite literally be half the person I am today. Best wishes! -Erin