Whoohoo! I'm down 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 10.6 lbs lost. I'm now over the half-way mark to my 10% goal! I received another 5lbs sticker and immediately stuck it to my bookmark.
Note for next week: sit on the right side of the meeting. That's where I usually sit but today I had to bail early.
The left side lacks some serious enthusiasm. Where the right side folks were giving serious kudos and claps during all the sticker handouts, the left side was barely moving. Most didn't clap and the few that did, looked like they were dabbing hand lotion on or something.
So, I took up the cause and clapped as loud and as enthusiastically as I could. I swear, some folks on the left side mentally nudged their chairs away from me. Ha! Well, next time I'll go back to sitting on the right side. We know how to party on the right side!
I've already planned my 10lb reward. I can't say what it is only that I've decided to treat my ninja husband at the same time. He knows we have a date next week, he just doesn't know what for!