Tonight we went on another field-trip, this time to a local playground. We brought along resistance cords which the instructor had us loop around miscellaneous bits of playground equipment to do upper body strengthening exercises. I used to think playgrounds were fun places, haha!
The rest of the evening was a blur, but I do remember one thing rather distinctly. While we were doing pushups on a balance beam, one of the ladies asked if anyone had lost weight due to Bootcamp. One of the guys spoke up and said that he had lost 6 lbs. I don't even know his name, but I gotta tell you that when I heard him say that, I was super impressed.
Yes, guys tend to lose weight more easily than women. But, this particular fellow seems to be on a journey of his own. He's slightly overweight and he struggles every single week during Bootcamp. There were times when I thought he'd pass out. But, he always works through it and keeps coming back, giving it his all every time. It's truly impressive.
Nameless Guy at Bootcamp: you rock. I salute you!
Play Along at Home: Try adding some resistance band training into your regime. I found a video on YouTube showing one of the moves we did this evening at about the 1:10 mark. For bonus points, do it outside at a playground using a swing set pole. Extra super bonus points if you can do it without kids asking you what you're doing.

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