Can you believe it? It was a year ago today that I walked into my local Weight Watchers and said "I gotta lose me some weight!"
In that time I've come a long way. It's also hard to believe how quickly the time went. I remember when I was bugging out after only two months and thinking a year sounded like an eternity! But here I am, hopefully a bit wiser, and most definitely lighter.
Here are some of my favourite moments from the year past:
- Feb 16 – I start to think exercise doesn't suck
- Mar 13 – I eat all my veggies before dinner
- Apr 29 – I walk a 10k and don't die
- May 26 – I achieve my 10% goal
- Jun 19 – Old tight clothes are fitting again
- Jul 5 – I update my look and start to think I'm not half bad
- Aug 1 – I no longer have to shop at plus-size stores
- Sep 7 – I donate 28lbs of baggy clothing and go fall shopping
- Oct 8 – I walk a half-marathon and don't die
- Nov 22 – I discover cheese is only 1pt more on a Subway sub
- Dec 1 – I get my 50lb charm
- Jan 10 – My Curves report says I've lost 47.25" since Mar 07
Lastly, a special thanks goes out to you, my readers, who've suffered through my long-winded posts, supported me when I was down, and gave me high-fives when I succeeded.
Here's to continued success for one and all. If I can make it this far, anyone can :)
WOW, way to go!! You must be so proud!
Happy Anniversary!
You've had amazing accomplishments and terrific milestones on the program! Very happy for you! Happy Anniversary :P
AWESOME! Congrats to you and you deserve a medal for sticking with it!
Congrats on soo much success this past year! That's great that you diarized your milestones - definitely something to look back on.
Thank you very much everyone! I tried to visit everyone to leave a message conveying my gratefulness. If I missed you, please know that I hold your comments in my heart and am very appreciative of them. Consider my cockles warmed through and through :)
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