If you're wondering what on earth I'm talking about, DDR is a dancing/rhythm game where you have to step on a special mat. The mat is divided into four arrows (up, down, left, right) and plugs into your console. You step on the arrows in time to the music and action onscreen. It's very fun, very addictive, and a lot harder than it looks.
Fortunately, you don't have to be all that coordinated to have fun and earn some activity points. That's not to say it doesn't help of course. Mr. Trim has been laughing at me non-stop and finds it equally amusing when I earn a "D" and do a little victory dance.
Highly recommended as the most fun "exercise" doodad you'll ever have. DDR is currently available for the Wii and the Playstation.

yay!!! DDR is soooo fun!!
You and Mr.Trim seem like such a cute couple! isn't it great to be able to do silly things infront of someone and not have to worry about making a fool out of yourself? LOL
Have fun with your DDR, I think I'll look out for it for my X-Box 360!
We are planning on getting a Wii soon. The hubby played it at a cousin's house-boxing to be exact- and he loved it. He used to box so for him it was good to kind of get back in it.
I don't think I could do dancing games though-I'm terribly uncoordinated.
I'm so jealous, my honey and I are planning on getting a Wii soon, but it's not soon enough for me!
Now I want one! Just imagine, I could dance away a cheese burger! LOL
I was thinking of askingfor a wii for my birthday next month. Now I am convinced.
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