A picture is worth a thousand words...

I lost 3.2 lbs this week, putting me past my goal of 135 lbs and then some.
Goal goal goal goal goal goal omigosh I MADE GOAL!!!!!!!!!

That's me, my goal charm, and a big goofy smile on my face. When I received it at the meeting I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I thought it likely that I'd cry, but surprisingly, I didn't. I had practiced my speech for a month and I managed to deliver it without nary a sniffle.
After the meeting, I had a nice heart-to-heart with my leader. She has been my rock throughout the whole thing. She's kind, funny, supportive, and personable. She's the kind of leader I wish everyone had. I'm not a huggy person and go out of my way to avoid it, but I freely gave her one. It felt so good to acknowledge the energy and strength she gave me through that one embrace.
When I got out of the meeting, I was so gosh-darned proud you couldn't drag me off the cloud. I called my husband immediately to let him know the good news. He congratulated me and told me to look in the trunk of the car. When I got to the car, I found a bouquet of flowers and a card telling me how proud he was of me. For the first time that day, I started to cry. And then I noticed that he was parked behind me on the scooter. He'd come out to be with me on my special day.
This leads me to my special accolades section. I'll be posting my before and after pics, but I really need to thank a whole lot of people first.
First and foremost, to my husband. I really couldn't have had a better partner in all of this. He has loved me no matter what my size was. He never pushed, never belittled, never suggested that he didn't love me one ounce less. During all my past diet attempts, he always supported me, no matter how crazy the diet I'd chosen was. And when I decided to go on Weight Watchers again, he was by my side. He made me breakfast, he'd hide his treats, if he wanted fast-food he'd have it outside of the house. When I wanted to start exercising, he started, too. I never asked him to do these things. He just did them. Every step of the way he's been with me. Words cannot describe how much I love you, my dear. You are the best friend I've ever had.
Next, to Weight Watchers, my leader, the receptionists, and the meeting members. For just about every Saturday morning for the last year, I've been up bright and early to the meetings. The support, smiles, and inspiration I've received during the weekly meetings are a cornerstone of my success. Weight Watchers has made this whole thing possible.
Last, to my blog readers and to all the gals and guys on the WeightWatchers.ca forums. I love each and every one of you. For reading my blog, giving me props when I was down, supporting me through tough times, cheering me on and even suffering through some of my more long-winded posts. Let's not forget the kicks in the bum. I've received those, too, and though it smarted at the time, it was what I needed most.
Okay, so now that I'm crying like a baby, how about some before and after shots?

Holy fricken wow. I look at those pictures and it's hard to imagine that's what I used to be - 211 lbs at my highest. There was a time when I couldn't remember what it was like to be thin. And now look at me.
It has been one year and four months since I started this journey. To say that it changed my life is an understatement. I am a new person inside and out. As the layers melted away, I found someone worthwhile inside.
Thank you, Weight Watchers. You gave me the tools to take back my life.